Saturday 12 January 2013


The National Congress is a deliberative forum in PMII as regulated in AD / ART Chapter VI Article 8, Paragraph 3. Until the leadership periods friend Abduh Padare, PB mukernas PMII has performed three times. The first one was held on 21-26 November 1967 in Jakarta, the second diadakan in Semarang Central Java, and the third didadakah in Bandung West Java on 1 - May 5, 1976. National Consultative Forum III has decided the following:

Preparation of Core Values ​​Struggle PMII
Preparation Templates Struggle PMII
Formulation Outline Development Organization
Principles Thoughts About the Election
1) Â Â Â Preparation of Core Values ​​Struggle PMII.

As we know, based on Islamic-leaning PMII Ahlussunnah Wal-Jamaâ € ™ ah (now Pancasila) in each movement step must dimotivisir by values ​​Ahlussunnah Wal-Jamaâ € ™ ah is. But the values ​​for the citizens movement in particular is still a lot of the books scattered yellow or stored in the minds of the scholars who become role models PMII. Of course this would complicate the movement of citizens who still lay on Aswaja values, as well as complicate the preparation of reference works.

The existence of this dilemma, especially after declaring themselves as independent organizations, it is no longer recruiting members through ideological and cultural historical approach, but using the program approach. The consequence of this approach terjaringnya PMII members who have not, not even background Aswaja. This in turn will be able to harm kederisasi and fanaticism organization. So to overcome this problem, the National Conference III PMII formulating a framework of values ​​Basic Struggle (NDP) PMII as follows:

a) Â Â Â NDP Urgency For PMII

In line with the stage of development and growth of PMII in the present and future, the presence of a clear explanation of the principles of organization of the Islamic-leaning PMII Aswaja perceived as an urgent need to be formulated. NDP PMII is needed in terms of giving direction and motivation, leading the movement and behavior of citizens as well as providing justification for what would be and should be done to achieve the objectives of the struggle in accordance with the intent of establishing this organization.

b) Â Â Position NDP PMII

Islam as a faith for all members of PMII absolute highest position in providing guidance on life and living. Meanwhile, as a method Aswaja appreciation / understanding of Islamic teachings, the result of absorption of both. NDP PMII is the best choice for both of them, towards the realization of the ideals of the movement.

c) Â Â Â Understanding NDP PMII

What is meant by NDP PMII is a determination, a systematic view mirror wing of the Islamic faith to provide a base of departure Aswaja in giving direction PMII behavior as a social group to achieve the ideals of the struggle.

d) Â Â Framework Issues NDP PMII

In order purposes PMII NDP formulation, formulated framework the following problems:

 1.    Mukaddimah
2. Â Â Â Human Dimensions of relationship with God
3. Â Â Â Human Dimensions of relationship with humans
4. Â Â Â Human Dimension relationship with Nature
5. Â Â Â The dimensions of the problem with Science
6. Â Â Â Conclusion.

Furthermore, the basic framework of the preparation of NDP PMIIini handed over to the team responsible for the PB PMII, but unfortunately, due to the weaknesses of the working mechanism and other factors, to the VIII Congress PMII in Bandung West Java, preparation PMII NDP has yet to be realized.

2) Â Â Â Preparation Templates Struggle PMII

Templates PMII struggle is the foundation or the fight can be considered as the PMII Guidelines. For the completion of PDM PMII PMII itself is nothing new, since the earlier days PMII has no foundation struggle unless operational standard and basic thoughts closer to theoretical philosophical values. Broadly speaking, the struggle PMII contain:

a) Â Â Â Â Â Definition
b) Â Â Â Â Â The nature of the struggle
c) Â Â Â Â Â Directions and objectives of struggle PMII
d) Â Â Â Â PMII scope Struggle
e) Â Â Â Â Â operational archetype struggle PMII
3) Â Â Â Formulation Outline Development Organization

If the archetypal struggle PMII focuses on the struggle that is external PMII, or known as the participation, the broad outlines orgainsasi coaching is more emphasis on organizational footing in order to consolidate the organization or regeneration. Broadly speaking, the content of this GBPO is as follows:

 A.A cadre Problems

This problem comes to the cadre, whether it contains a statement that the cadre should take priority in the activities of the program, the approach used, as well as the orientation of the cadre itself as well as the guidelines / instructions cadre implementation used.

 b.    Leadership Issues

Leadership is leadership PMII expected to be able to memnjiwai nature of the movement, ie, family, student, community and independent. In line with the organization's properties PMII leadership required to always responsive and argumentative and dukehendaki also the openness to the widest possible regeneration.

c. Â Â Â Â Establishment of Containers Alumni

To enhance active participation paraalumni, Mukernas III PMII decided to form a container called a â € Alumni Alumni œKeluarga PMIIâ €?. The establishment of the container it was experiencing a bottleneck, resulting in up to the implementation of PMII Yangke VIII congress, the container has not revealed the expected results. An analysis, that it is due to the gap between alumni ideologically oriented with their status, so that among them are difficult to be bridged, a linkage back as when they were living in one container movement.

d. Â Â Â Steps New Member Recruitment

Inilebih steps leading to the recruitment of new members of the family background of students in addition to the traditional intellectual PMII, which is always rooted in family rural students.

e. Â Â Â Â Enterprise Search Source of Funds

III National Congress succeeded in formulating, both commercially and traditionally associated with the development of the movement.

 4)    Principles Thoughts About the Election

Facing third general elections (1977, National Conference III failed to decide the points pikiran going to the election with respect to 1977. Fundamentals of mind referred to, is as follows:

The elections for the citizens of the Indonesian Muslim Student movement is important and respected event, the implementation must be able to fully reflect the aspirations rakyaatIndonesia.
Indonesian Islamic Students Movement found the elections are a means to create a system of state and a government, is a democratic constitutional state. Since the 1977 general election that must be able to stand on those principles to implement the agreed rules of the game.
Indonesian Islamic Students Movement considers that the election function should really be experienced as a balance between the means of political socialization, democratization means, and means of legitimacy. Means of political socialization is to make the election as a means of political education for Indonesian citizens, so they can become citizens understand their rights and obligations. Means of democratization, ie, as the channeling of the actual will of the people of Indonesia. While the means of legitimation is the process of giving legal authority to force yamng who won in the elections.
Indonesian Islamic Students Movement will participate in the 1977 elections with mengutanakan luhurnya goals than achieving victory as well as its practical and able to realize the regeneration of the nation's leadership.
Sources: PMII In Node-Node History of Struggle

Tan Malaka: The Forgotten Father of the Republic

Sayuti Melik important task. Three weeks after the proclamation, he was asked Soekarno looking Tan Malaka. Bung Karno heard rumors that the movement leaders in Jakarta. Fortunately, Sayuti know where to look for Tan. A few days earlier, Foreign Minister Ahmad Soebardjo bringing the author itu.Pertemuan Naar de Republiek Indonesia was set. Soekarno asked Soeharto, his personal physician, providing the room. But he will keep the guests who come. With cycling, Sayuti pick Tan. Both then headed home now pharmacy Titimurni Suharto-in Jalan Kramat Raya.

Soeharto, who lived 20 years on the run was admitted named Abdulradjak. Suharto then bring "Abdulradjak" into the back room. There Sukarno was waiting. Sayuti come inside, Suharto waiting outside. All the lights in the house turned off. The meeting of two leaders in the dark that happened on the night of Eid, 9 September 1945.

Sukarno to begin. He asked about the Mass Actie-Tan book written in 1926. Then they talk about the fate of the Indonesian revolution. In a two-hour meeting, Tan dominate the conversation, while Sukarno was quiet. "Tan is more experienced in the struggle," said Sayuti Melik. Tan's words about revolution, said Sayuti, Soekarno often quoted later today.

There is a very disturbing statement Tan attention Bung Karno. Tan said the Netherlands, with boarded Allies, will soon come. Tan believes, Jakarta will be a battle. That's why he suggested the government should be moved to the interior.

Worried about the possibility that, Sukarno said, "If something happens later on ourselves so as not to lead the revolution, I hope you are continuing." Before closing the meeting, he gave Tan a sum of money. Sayuti testimony was written in the column for the Tan Malaka Approximately Testament, published in the daily Sinar Harapan, September 1979.

A few days later, Tan and Soekarno meet again. This time at the doctor's house in Jalan Mampang Mawardi. Mawardi is a pioneer Barisan leaders during the Japanese occupation.

As usual, Sayuti participate in the meeting, but should only be listened to. They talk about the national struggle. At the end of the conversation, Soekarno Tan promised to appoint a successor torch of independence.

Tan did not react testament word about it. In his memoir, From Prison to Prison, he considers the proposal merely honor and a sign of confidence. "I was quite pleased to see the President of the Republic of Indonesia, republic had all this time I wanted," he said.


Intention Sukarno issued a testament pronounced in the cabinet meeting in the third week of September 1945. When Allied captive, he will hand over the leadership of the revolution to one skilled in the struggle. Who was it, he was still confidential.

Ahmad Soebardjo know Bung Karno is none other than Tan Malaka. He knew because Tan never talked about it. However, the continuation of the new testament talks happenings will happen after the British landed. Also there is a rumor, the Allies would capture Soekarno because they collaborated with the Japanese.

The situation prompted Sukarno met with Tan Malaka, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri, and Billy Taroenamihardjo, Ahmad Soebardjo home. Iwa and Billy then Minister of Health and the Attorney General. On 30 September, they agreed to appoint Tan as the heirs of the revolution when something happens to Soekarno-Hatta.

Then Soekarno Hatta went to the house. After telling the meeting, Bung Hatta gave the answer: "Why not talk to me first? You should know well who it was Tan Malaka. "

Hatta reject the outcome of the meeting and proposed a way out. Sticks revolution will be forwarded to the leaders of the four poles. Tan Malaka represent the far left, Sutan Sjahrir of the center-left, the right and vice Wongsonegoro feudal and Islamic groups Sukiman representation.

Soekarno satisfied with this middle ground. He called Soebardjo invite met. Soebardjo, with Tan and Iwa, welcomed the Soekarno-Hatta tomorrow. At home Soebardjo, Hatta explained his opinion.

He said that the presence of Tan on the left could spark controversy because the Indonesian Communist Party does not like it. Hatta also suggested Tan traveling around Java. In addition to introducing himself to the people, and to measure how much effect. Hatta proposal is approved.

In the October 1 meeting, they also agreed to replace Sukiman with Iwa. The reason, Iwa and close friend Sukiman Islamic groups. Sukarno then asked Tan to arrange the words testament. Once everything is agreed, typed manuscript and made Soebardjo triplicate. Soekarno-Hatta then sign it. Soebardjo tasked with providing the text to Sjahrir and Wongsonegoro.

Later it was revealed, Soebardjo never deliver a copy of the text to Sjahrir and Wongsonegoro. Both found out after apprise Hatta. First vice president, and his camp was suspected Soebardjo disappointed, probate granted to Tan a void. But, in his National Consciousness, argues Soebardjo revolution broke down hamper the delivery of the text.


TAN enter a testament to the bag. He then went around Java. According Hadidjojo Nitimihardjo, son-Maruto Nitimihardjo an activist Menteng 31, the headquarters of the struggle of the youth after the proclamation and present Joang Building 45 in the Cikini, Jakarta-envelope Tan brought not only contain the political will, but also the typed text of the proclamation Sayuti Melik. Bung Karno, according Hadidjojo, gave him a package.

At the time in Surabaya, escorted Warriors Tan Oil Suryono leadership. At the suggestion of Djohan Syahruhzah-later to become Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Indonesia-Tan then escorted Des Alwi during the week. December when it joined the army of the Republic of Indonesia and the Youth are performing intelligence duties waging an information war against the Allies.

They stay at Gubeng on 9 November. "That night I had massage," says Des, at that time 18 years old. Tan, who called himself Hussein, and tells about the battle Shanghai, China's military assault against the Japanese in 1932.

Knowledge Hussein made December amazed. Sjahrir foster child was then brought Tan to Sidoarjo. In December there found out, the man was Tan Malaka dikawalnya. Of Sidoarjo, Tan accompanied Djohan around Java. "It was a stronghold Sjahrir Tan relationship has not been cracked," said Hadidjojo.

But the linkage was only briefly. Later relations between the two camps against political fracturing due Tan Sjahrir. Unity-Struggle Through a collection of 141 political organizations-Tan opposed the triumvirate running diplomatic Soekarno-Hatta-Sjahrir.

Firmness Tan talks led to a vigorous opposing prison. He shared Sukarni, Chaerul Saleh, Muhammad Yamin, and Billy Abikusno arrested in Madison on March 17, 1946. Interestingly, the news had spread pencidukan on the radio one day earlier. They are accused of going to a coup. They were arrested separately, moved from one prison to another prison.

But in the book Yamin dismissed Sapta Darma background. He alleged that the detention was at the insistence of the Allies to the Prime Minister Sjahrir that negotiations went smoothly. They are "secured" before the Indonesian delegation left for the Netherlands. Yamin allegation later proved. In the trial Defense Minister Amir Syarifuddin said Tan and his group were arrested as they often launch agitation disrupt negotiations.

When Tan in the cell is to spread false political testament. Stating that Soekarno-Hatta handed leadership of the revolution to Tan Malaka. Hatta Chaerul accused Saleh of brain lie. Because of that, Hatta revoke a decision granting testamentary intent, but canceled.

From prison, Tan managed to smuggle the envelope containing the original and the copy of the proclamation testamentary by courier. "The envelope was received of my father," said Hadidjojo. Maruto was sitting on the Board of the Central Indonesian National Committee in Yogyakarta.

After two years he was detained, the new prosecutors dropped the charges. But not for alleged coup, but the move illegal opposition ranks. Tan and Sukarni released from prison in September 1948 Magelang, Central Java.

After Tan free, and testaments Maruto restore copy of the proclamation to him. He also arranged a meeting between Tan and General Sudirman in Yogyakarta. To Sudirman, Tan said it would guerillas to East Java around November 1948. Soedirman then gave him a letter of introduction and a team of bodyguards.

Letter from Sudirman was submitted to the Division Commander General Sungkono East Java. By Sungkono, Tan recommended moving Kepanjen, South Malang. But he decided to go to Kediri. This is where, according to Dutch historian Harry Albert Poeze, Tan was executed on February 21, 1949.

Since then Kasak-dimming kasuk testamentary affairs. Only in May 1972, the heirs of the revolution sticking polemics in the media. Moekhardi, citing the book George McTurnan Kahin Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia (1952), argued that the design of the tactics of Tan Malaka testamentary power. One month later, Sayuti rejected the Kahin. According to him, the meeting and making testaments at the initiative of Sukarno.

The following week, turn Soebagijo I.N. the results of interviews with the Hatta-writing, script testament Tan was awarded but not yet signed. Soekarno Hatta will memarafnya if agreed. While Hatta judge, Tan figure in the eyes of the people is not popular. The proof, in the course in Java, Tan a few times about to be arrested.

Conflicting opinions continue to emerge. Pen in a newspaper war subsided after S.K. Sayuti-Trimurti-wife writing letters to the daily Sinar Harapan, the end of October 1979. Trimurti divulge, Syamsu Harya Udaya him at the end of 1964. Murba leaders, the party founded Tan, was admitted storing and text testament Proclamation. Syamsu indeed often accompany Tan before the character was killed.

Rather than continue to spark discord and is competed, Trimurti advocated testament destroyed. The pair met Aidit, known to be close to the Soekarno. Chairman of the Communist Party of Indonesia was to arrange a meeting.

Soekarno then invited three. At the State Palace, Trimurti submit the entire manuscript. While the text of the proclamation of the deposit, Bung Karno testament tearing and burning. "After that we came home with a sense of relief," said Trinity. Chaotic wills outages in the middle of the fire.

Beauty and Pock Face

A king and queen had a son, Asmund, and a daughter, Signy. Asmund loved the outdoors. He persuaded his father to give him two giant oaks, and told Signy that he would hollow them out and live in them. Signy asked to live there, too, and Asmund agreed. They lived there a time, when their father had to go to war, and their mother died.
Nearby, a king had a son, Prince Ring, who had heard of Signy's beauty and was determined to marry her. When setting out in search for her, he met a beautiful woman who told him she was Signy and explained her being alone on the way as stemming from her grief at her mother's death; she was, in fact, a gigantic witch. He told her he wished to marry her. She agreed but said she had to go into the woods and would join him at the ship. In the woods, she tore up the two oaks and carried them with her. Ring carried her home, where she was made welcome, and the oaks were planted outside her windows.
The prince asked her when they could marry, she agreed to a date, and he brought her fine cloth to make her wedding gown. As soon as he left, she took on her own shape and raged, because she could not sew and would soon starve if her brother did not bring her raw meat and bones. A giant brought her meat, but she still raged over the cloth.
Asmund asked Signy to sew the cloth, because otherwise they would have no peace. Signy did so, and Ring was pleased with the clothing. But the witch continued to rave about her food. Finally, Asmund brought Ring to listen to her plans after the wedding: slaughtering the courtiers and bringing her relatives, the giants, to court. Ring burned down the house with both her and her brother in it.
Ring fell in love with Signy at sight, and Asmund with Ring's sister, so they had a double wedding, and Asmund returned with his bride to his father's kingdom.

Baš Čelik

A king had three sons and three daughters. On his deathbed he made his sons swear that they would marry off their sisters to the first person who asked. When one night a booming voice demanded that one sister be given to him, the two older brothers were reluctant, except for the youngest (the Least of Three) who heeded his father's dying request and handed her over. The same thing happened for the next two nights, until all the sisters were given away to mysterious strangers. The three brothers decided to go and search for their sisters to find out where they were.
Throughout their travels, they fought many-headed serpents; in addition, the youngest brother used his wits to defeat nine giants that were terrorizing the region; finally he saved the king’s daughter from a snake bite. Because of all this, he is allowed to marry the princess and becomes one of the king’s favorites. He lives in her castle and is allowed to visit any of the rooms, except one which was bound with chains (the One Forbidden Thing). When his wife was absent one day, he went inside and saw a man held prisoner and bound by chains. The man called himself Bash Celik, and he begged for three glasses of water. Every time he complies he gets an extra life. When the third glass is handed it to him, the man suddenly gained his massive strength, broke the chains, opened his wings, and flew away with the youngest son's wife.
Now the prince sets out on a new quest to rescue his wife. On the way, he discovers that his sisters were married to the Lords of Dragons, Hawks and Eagles. He tries to get his wife back three times, each time losing a life that Bash Celik gave him for the glasses of water. On the fourth time he fails again and dies, but his body is saved by his brothers in law, and they resurrect him using the magical water from River Jordan. At this point the prince's wife learns that Bash Chelik cannot be killed, because his life is in a bird that is in a heart of fox in forest of a high mountain. Helped by the Lords, the prince finally slays Bash Chelik and rescues his wife.