Sunday 6 January 2013

The phenomenon of "Crying Stone" Natural Factors and Pareidolia - One of the natural phenomenon that is beingdiscussed now is the warmth of the phenomenon of "crying rock". Found a stone like human facesand even tears. What's the story? Some time ago, found a "crying rock" in the village Pananjung,Taragong, Garut, West Java Province. At first the discovery of a natural phenomenon crying stone is regarded as a relic of prehistory. Culture and Tourism Department of West Java Garut is alsoinvestigating. Through such research ultimately could be concluded that the phenomenon of "weeping stone 'is a natural factor and not made ​​by man in prehistoric times. It is presented by the Head of Culture and Antiquities.

In a couple of years ago that in 2009 and 2011 based on reports villagers said that they found the stone out of water so call it a stone cry. The residents believe that the rock resembles a human face.

But it was denied by Warjita as Head of Culture and Antiquities in Garut. Stone Mountain is a vomitGutur in the 18th century and the 19th. Stone cry has a diameter of 2 meters. However Warjita say that the actual stone is not so similar to a human face. Rather, the assumption can be regarded aspareidolia. Conclusions are stronger because there are no other objects that have historical valuearound the site.
The phenomenon of "Crying Stone" Natural Factors and Pareidolia
The phenomenon of "Crying Stone" Natural Factors and Pareidolia
Meanwhile, the pareidolia itself is a psychological phenomenon that allows humans to assess a particular object has similarities with what is imagined by him. This is caused by the human brainhas the ability to store a specific memory about appearance and shape. For example, we'll often seeclouds of various shapes and we assume that the cloud is so similar to what we imagined. Not only that, humans do have the ability to identify human faces even from a considerable distance.However, in some circumstances ultimately it makes people interpret random images, shadows andpatterns of light.

But did you know that people can lose is the ability to identify faces and so on? Stroke, tumors andtrauma to the ventral fusiform gyrus cause a person to lose the ability to identify faces. It is also called Prosopagnosia disorder where a person experiences that make it difficult to identify even hisown face! It is caused by acute brain damage. It can still be done to cure such example is the treatment of a specific identification with remembering faces.

So, there are many things about the man himself so that we can create a different perception. One of them dates back to the phenomenon of stone cry. Human beings are creatures of God who has the uncanny ability!

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